Sunday, September 11, 2011

'Amazon Queen' Samples

This afternoon I worked with Yanis Zambeis, my storyboard artist for the film. We did several plates, two of which are displayed here... Here's a shot from early in the film...
This is a sketch of one of the main characters...
Here's Yanis in action...(I tried bringing the art image up but it was too light)
As you can see, the storyboard plates are in a spiral bound book. This will be easier for me to carry to and around the stage and locations. Of course, I'll have all the plates scanned so I can print them for a traditional board for the studio office wall during pre-production and production. Also, the data will be added at the bottom of each plate, re shot number, dialogue range, etc... Working on the storyboard has been very exciting. It's like I'm already directing the film, in a way. I spoke with our visual effects director on Friday evening. He's energized, loves the script and can't wait to get started! More to follow...

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