Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sesh Heri Working On New Novel!

The author of the Wonder of the Worlds trilogy, which you can purchase here at the links, is writing a new novel!

Sesh Heri has crafted a great new screenplay which he's adapting to a novel this summer. We will be announcing the title and tell you a little more on what it's about as soon as he's ready for us to make that announcement. I can tell you it's a really cool story, not in the Wonder saga but just as thrilling and intriguing. This new work will appeal to steampunk fans as well as historical fiction readers. Heri will likely finish the novel next month and then we'll take a few weeks in the editing process. Once that's done, it will be released to the public exclusively through Lost Continent Library via Amazon Kindle.

I am very excited about this new book! Heri recently finished a show biz bio that is a really great read. Look for that release to be announced soon, as well. Heri is anxious to get some new fiction out there as readers all over the world are responding enthusiastically to the Wonder of the Worlds trilogy. Still, LCL is a small press publisher and we need to get the word out there to more readers, so if you've read any or all of the Wonder books, tell your friends!

As soon as the cover art for the new novel is finalized, I will release that with a bigger announcement telling more about the book. The title will be released with a simple graphic very soon!

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